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Weathering the Storm: Insights from 2023’s Flood Action Week

Flood Action Week, held from 20-26 November 2023, emphasises the urgent need for property owners, developers, and investors to proactively assess and manage flood risks. The Environment Agency’s campaign highlights several critical aspects: Flood Action Week serves as a...


England’s Flood Defence Crisis: Understanding the NAO Findings

The National Audit Office (NAO) report on England’s flood defence systems, while highlighting the challenges of inflation and funding, also brings to light concerns about potential incompetency, poor management, and inefficient use of funds within the Environment Agency (EA)....


Safe and Spectacular: The Essential Guide to Flood Risk-Free Bonfire Night Celebrations

Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is steeped in the historical fabric of the United Kingdom, dating back to the early 17th century. It commemorates the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot of November 5, 1605, when a...

Declaring past flooding when selling a property

How to get a flood risk assessment done in the UK

In the UK one in six properties is said to be in an area with a significant risk of flooding. Recent years have made the sight of properties, streets and whole towns submerged all too familiar. Whether the cause...


Election 2019: Conservative Party Manifesto Pledges on Flooding and The Environment

In the lead up to the 2019 General Election, Unda reviews the major political parties’ manifestos with particular focus on how they attend to address the indirect issues which lead to increased flooding and their pledges to defend communities from...

man clearing up after a flood

Cleaning Up After a Flood

While our work is geared very much around helping prevent flooding through flood mitigation and drainage strategy we know flooding can and does happen. Our work as flood risk consultants means we have to be aware of what flooding...


The Best Flooding Videos

Flooding is certainly not a funny topic, it causes untold damage to property and peoples lives as well as killing and injuring thousands of people each year. However, flooding is certainly something that is hard to believe unless it...

Sir James Bevan

It’s The Climate Emergency, Stupid

The Chief Executive of the Environment Agency, Sir James Bevan recently delivered a speech in London and made some very good points indeed! Stupid? Well, he wasn’t calling the audience stupid. The term “it’s the economy, stupid” came from...

Flooding in UK Town

It’s Easy to Forget

….how bad flooding in the UK can be. As we approach the summer flooding is a long way from many of our minds. In fact, we are already seeing the cracked ground here in Sussex and we are all...

flooded road with cars driving through

Flooding, Business and Tourism

  When a town or area gets hit by a flood the damage can run far deeper than that inflicted by the water and what is left behind. While the clean up operations are painful and costly it is...



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